About Tentnology®
Tentnology’s Mission & Quality Statement: Our Commitment to being the Best Event Tent and Fabric Structure Manufacturer in the World
We want our customers to be so delighted with our event tents, storage buildings, and fabric structures they tell others.

Tentnology® will strive to turn all customers into advocates by:
- understanding & meeting customer expectations to their 100% satisfaction
- producing the highest quality tents using craftsmanship & materials appropriate to each market
Our Location and Tent Manufacturing Home
Tentnology® Head Office is located outside Vancouver, BC on the west coast of Canada. Operating off a beautiful rural tent farm...we've been growing tent fabric structure ideas solutions for 18 years. Minutes away from the US border, at the hub of international sea and air ports, Tentnology® is one of the best tent companies, we are ready and able to rapidly supply international markets.
Environmental, Ecological and Sustainability Policies: Tentnology® = one lean mean green machine!

For over 30 years the Warner’s created a “green organic” live-work environment to better care for family and employees. We live where we work and that keeps it real. We develop clean, safe manufacturing practice that set high standards for others in the environmental movement to follow. Kids raised on this land know the vital importance of their pristine environment. Keeping as much of our 10 acres natural encourages wild life, flora and fauna. Organic gardens provide a food bounty shared with our Tentnology® family – their summer bonus program!
Enviro-Friendly Tent Manufacturer; Reduce and Reuse
Our tents and fabric structures stand lightly on Mother Earth. Not much mass for area covered. Tentnology designs with minimum material for maximum effect, leaving virtually no waste in the manufacturing process. Fabric scraps are reused and aluminum recycled.
Tentnology tents and fabric structures are configured to pack down into amazingly compact volume for efficient shipping and storage, lower transportation cost and energy saving. Robust interchangeable parts avoid breakage and waste.
Tentnology® provides one of the necessities of life – shelter. Inherently reusable for any portable shelter requirements, Tentnology covers major special events, or with the same ease can house refugees or deliver emergency shelter. How they say? We ask, why not?
Tentnology has effectively created the 21st century TeePee and Yurt. Native First Nations have always used tents, as have all our ancestors...we just make them a little stronger and bigger. Tentnology® fabric structures support sustainable land use...we can put a tent anywhere – any time. Portable fabric structures themselves do not require site construction or infrastructure, thereby saving valuable resources.
Tentnology® is making the world a better and more beautiful place. Here are a few comments about a snow span SaddleSpan™ custom fabric structure designed, engineered and manufactured by Tentnology® for the World Trade Center site in New York...
“was intended to have an aspiring quality,” said Bartholomew Voorsanger of Voorsanger Architects. “It sent a signal to the public using PATH (subway station) that there was a brighter, more exciting future coming...”
“I’m going to miss that tent. It wasn’t only a beautiful and functional artifact, but also a symbol of possibility and hope” – Posted by Ti-Jean
This fabric structure will be reused by the New York Port Authority – unlike bricks and mortar buildings that would have to have been demolished...the Tentnology® fabric structure was simply taken down to fly again another day.