Trapeze Tents


Trapeze Tents

Fabric Stretch Tent

Sleek swooping spires and elegant arches create lovely portable center of attention.  
The low interior profile frames an intimate loungy cool space.

Although this tent looks like a stretch tent, the fabric is a fixed vinyl coated polyester membrane that gives the structure stability - Robust poles, fittings and anchorage tension the tent to a taut tight finish – they are engineered for 60 mph winds!  And no guy ropes!

This allows the tent to be tensioned taut with our robust anchorage and tensioning system so there is no luffing in the wind or wrinkles.  

Fabric stretch tent

The rolling split center pole makes installation fast and easy and transportation very efficient.  Add you logo or custom color for maximum effect and site profile.  
These expertly sculpted tents are outstanding in any field!!

Available in 3 sizes: 30’x40’ (10mx12m), 20’x30’ (6mx10m) & 20’x20’ (6mx6m)

  For more coverage and configurations they connect together with our patented ziplock wedge shaped joining system.  The walls also use an original keder connection system for smooth tensioned walls in assorted options.

One of the fastest and easiest of our tents to set up, these tents do need to be anchored into the ground.  Since there is no frame, they pack down into an incredibly small storage space.

Tentnology Trapeze – an extraordinary balancing act of strength and beauty

Contact us today for a quote!

Toll Free: 1.800.663.8858 (U.S. & Canada)


 Fabric tent

or Toll Free: 1.800.663.8858
(call U.S. & Canada)

Office Hours: Monday - Friday
8a.m. - 4:30p.m.PST

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