Tentnology SaddleSpan fabric structures have graced events around the world for the last 25 years in over 36 countries!
In Germany our Saddle Span is often called the “Opera tent” since they resemble the Sydney Opera House and have been featured at the German Chancellor’s events and many more.

Mexico calls our SaddleSpan tent the “Sydney” tent, for similar reasons. These very special event tents have covered the President of Mexico and enhanced many famous sites all over Mexico.

In Denmark, home of Sydney opera house design architect Jørn Utzon and thanks to Tentnology client Danske Mobilescene, the SaddleSpan used mostly as stage cover had become an instant success 15 years ago!

In keeping with that Sydney opera house connection, Tentnology client in Australia, Curve & Creative Stage Company deployed a SaddleSpan S1000 as a stage cover; but not just anywhere in the land down unda’. In quite a defining moment for our 38 year old concept, the Tentnology Saddle Span landed right front and centre at the Sydney Opera House itself. That’s big time on a tent maker’s bucket list.

Like all of our fabric structures, Tentnology often prints the SaddleSpan with custom graphics
Recently, Highpoint our French client featured a S5000SL Saddle Span at the famous Le Mans, France auto race as Toyota headquarters/corporate chalet. Toyota wanted maximum visibility looking out of an enclosed tent so we designed a high profile Extend end window wall for them.

In the UK, Silver Stage and the Amazing Tent Company use large numbers of the Tentnology SaddleSpan tents and have done so for the last 15 years at major rock festivals, hundreds of venues and events.

Cardigan Castle in Wales, festivals in Ireland and special events in Scotland feature this very special portable fabric structure…
Just across the channel in Belgium, Mobilestage, have even anchored the S2000SL on a barge in a canal!

Yet some of the most dynamic and stunning use of Saddle Spans have been from the Ukraine sometimes under adverse installation conditions and very challenging sites. Once our client actually flagged down a passing power boat to pull up an S5000 Saddle Span cantilevered over the bank of the Dnieper River!

Russia, Tentnology clients execute beautiful events – here are a few snaps of a Russian tour

Eastern Europe’s Poland and Estonia take no second place either when they deploy their Tentnology SaddleSpans.
Mov’n down to a warmer Caribbean, Aruba lays claim to the first Saddle Span to exit the North American mainland in 1991! And St. Lucians attest to the long life and durability of these structures. S2000 & S5000 Saddle Spans have done yeoman’s service at island music festivals for over 12 years. While those party people in Trinidad have well over a thousand Tentnology Matrix Marquees serving the local tent rental market. In keeping with the Caribbean musical love affair, Saddle Spans project the clear sound demanded by these musical nations; sound as unadulterated as their famous trademark rum.

Tentnology designed a Special S1800SL duo span for an event center in Bermuda.

Then Costa Rica goes full throttle branding their beer with an S5000SL Saddle Span

Wicked Tents of Dubai use a large Saddle Span array at the highest profile hotel for hospitality

See the Tentnology feature event section for more photos of our custom made huge tent designed for the King of Bahrain. But Saddle Span tents have been popular in Bahrain before then. The photo below shows the S5000 mounted on stage decking, an abiding charm and useful feature of these stage cover tents.

Around the world to Asia. Back in 1994 we did a project for a National event in Korea which then led to our other spectacular events such as the Korean Airshow and the Korean Flower show. There are more photos of these events in our Matrix Marquee section. But here is a photo of some of the earliest installations of the SaddleSpan

Another momentous application of the SaddleSpan was for the Hong Kong Wine & Dine festival where they used the S1000 Tri Span for a hospitality tent and the S5000 as the feature stage cover. Images of this spectacular event can be seen in our feature project section and our home page video.
One of our goals was to build fabric structures to such exacting quality and standard that we could sell with confidence to the Japanese. We are proud to have finally achieved this goal with the support or our customer, Kanamoto who has invested in a large inventory of Tentnology tents. Here are a few images of their new tents in action…

Many of the 36 countries Tentnology Saddle Spans has been exported to have not been represented here in photos; but memories of those very special events live on. From the imaginations of our design team, event designers and dreams of the end users – they have all been a journey of amazement. A fleeting moment in time that captures the energy and vision of the occasion, however ephemeral it may be.
We want to thank all who supported us by deciding to buy Tentnology tents. We look forward to adding your event to these pages…